ModulaJet system seed placement technology that avoid weed development

ModulaJet system seed placement technology that avoid weed development

Forigo Roter Italia SRL received an Agritechnica 2019 Silver Award for Innovation for its ModulaJet system for planting seeds through plastic film


The use of biodegradable plastic films has quite a long tradition in row cropping. Covering a seed row with plastic film is a practical way of controlling weeds. In addition, film reduces water evaporation rates and heats the topsoil, which in turn encourages early growth and reduces the vegetation period. Many films are punched by the punch hole seeder, or immediately after the seeding pass with mechanical elements so the new plants can shoot through the film without tearing it. Yet these holes also allow weeds to establish, which is not desirable as they are difficult to remove.

The ModulaJet system from Forigo Roter Italia SRL is an innovative seed placement technology for crops grown under film.

The seeds are pneumatically singled, then accelerated in an air stream and shot through the film into the soil. This creates a very small hole right above the seed that are too small to allow weeds to develop. The depth of seed placement is controlled by the air flow rate. The seed rate and the application of the film at the end of the field are controlled electronically. The system works best for large seeds such as maize or soya.

Using much smaller holes in the film significantly reduces the degree of weed development after the new plants have broken through, reducing the subsequent row crop work.

DLG President Hubertus Paetow (far left), who presented the medal and certificate, and the Chairman of the Agritechnica Innovation Commission, Dr Markus Demmel (far right), are pictured with Alberto Foprigo (R&D Department) and Sandro Forigo (General Manager).

Awarding of the Agritechnica Silver Medals 2019, Photo credit: DLG, F. Holland

Innovation Award AGRITECHNICA 2019





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