INTERPERA 2021: International pear congress

The Interpera webinar will focus on pear production, trade and consumption
As we are getting closer to the 29th June, date of the Interpera webinar – the international pear congress – the programme is getting sharper. The representatives of the main producing countries will be gathered on round tables to bring you the most recent information on the coming campaign, on trade and on consumption.
The first part of the webinar will, dedicated to the 2021 summer pear forecast and on the 2020 campaign figures, will be presented by Afrucat, Catalonia’s fruit companies association. Manel Simón, director of Afrucat declared « I am proud to be part of the panelist and delighted to see that since 2009 Interpera carries on bringing essential strategic information to pear producers and companies ».
The trade session of Interpera will be animated by Elisa Macchi, director of the CSO, Italy’s service center for F&V companies. She will put the emphasis on pear imports and exports in Europe. Her presentation will be followed by comments from the speakers of the round table.
Last but not least, the third session will focus on consumption. Philip Binard from Freshfel.will unveil the updated European pear consumption figures. Alongside the round table participants, he will also talk about the implications of the health crisis on the European pear market.
Each session of the webinar will be followed by a discussion triggered by the questions from the audience.
Jean-Louis Moulon, vice-president of AREFLH declared that “this Interpera webinar is essential to reinforce the link between the actors of the pear sector, even though, for 2021 it will remain a digital meeting. Producers and stakeholders of the pear sector are eager to meet each other. AREFLH and the Interpera steering committee are impatient to welcome physically our regular participants in a future face-to-face edition.”
The detailed programme and registration link are on www.interpera.org