Bioprotection-biocontrol technologies make a crucial contribution to the transition to more agroecological farming

Bioprotection-biocontrol technologies make a crucial contribution to the transition to more agroecological farming

01-04-2021 – ENGLISH
IBMA would like to present you its position concerning the review of the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD) aiming, together with other policy changes, to achieve the new ambitious goals of the European Union in terms of environmentally friendly agriculture for future generations.

IBMA Executive Directore Jennifer Lewis underlines “Bioprotection – biocontrol technologies – make a crucial contribution to the transition to more agroecological farming and so to the realization of the EU’s overarching Farm to Fork and Green Deal policy goals, including the 50 % reduction of use and risk of chemical and more hazardous pesticides, the 25 % share of organic farming and the 10% biodiversity areas within agricultural land, by 2030.”

IBMA supports the goal of the SUD of achieving the sustainable use of pesticides by promoting the use of integrated pest management (IPM), but to be effective, this must be through the mandatory full implementation of IPM with a Biology 1st approach, through agronomic decisions and the use of biocontrol solutions.

IBMA advocates an EU definition of IPM and bioprotection and the systematic monitoring and measurement of the adoption of IPM, using bioprotection as a relevant indicator of adoption. Creating positive targets for bioprotection uptake, has a positive social impact by showing constructive solutions that catalyse further bioprotection uptake and agricultural change.

The revision of the SUD provides an opportunity to enforce more stringent requirements with regard to the use and implementation of Integrated Pest Management and the use of bioprotection as an effective tool. Deploying bioprotection has a multiplier effect on pesticide reduction efforts, since growers using bioprotection are maintaining and even restoring biodiversity. Furthermore, restoring biodiversity provides a biological buffering effect that means fewer chemical pesticides are required over time.

Ambitious and clear adoption targets should be set, which farmers and advisers should be incentivised to achieve financially, through CAP eco-scheme funding. Training and communication programmes on IPM and bioprotection should be provided to facilitate their adoption. It is only by supporting farmers that the EU will ensure changes in agricultural practices.


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