Biological Control of Some Plant Diseases Using Different Antagonists Including Fungi and Rhizobacteria

Among the different causes of plant diseases, microbes are considered the most important and serious. From which, the fungal pathogens occupy the first place in distribution between numerous plant hosts, including economically important plants. There are a huge number of fungal genera affecting the foliar of the plants including leaves, stems, branches, and flowers while others attacking only roots.
Also, wood-decaying fungi are another group affecting trunks of different trees. Many fungal pathogens are opportunistic, where they are invading their hosts through pruning wounds and newly cut surfaces. Beside all the previous fungal pathogens, an important group of fungi responsible for decaying fruits and vegetables after harvest and at storage are recognized.
Fungal pathogens are highly distributed and very specific in their infection process where there are fungal genera able to invade many host plants while other genera are specific only for one host.
Throughout history, trials for controlling these aggressive pathogens were increased including several ways such as cultural, physical, chemical, and biological methods. In this chapter, some fungal diseases of various host plants will be introduced with special demonstrations of the biological control of them using several antagonistic microorganisms.
Samah Abd El-Kader El-Debaiky, is the author of Biological Control of Some Plant Diseases Using Different Antagonists Including Fungi and Rhizobacteria, chapter, pp 47-64, of the book Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Stress Management – Volume 1: Rhizobacteria in Abiotic Stress Management
Picture by Role of bacterial biofertilizers in agriculture and forestry