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LED sunlight for professional horticulture

LED sunlight for professional horticulture

Die P1 SUNtech changes horticulture! Finally an economical LED-lighting system with a sunlike spectrum is available that can replace all HPS-lamps. The P1’s biggest advantage is it’s unique sunlight emitting LED-technology. The brand-new technology with only one LED-type enables you to benefit from it’s advantages right away – e.g. with lowering your electricity costs by 65 %.

When brand new technology meets know-how innovation happens. FUTURELED successfully combined a new sunlight emitting LED with the company’s technology in order to offer a brand new system for all horticultural lighting scenarios.

Focus of this development is the idea of an economical horticultural sector: using the P1 LED-lighting system lowers your electricity costs by 65 % compared to using HPS-lamps. With an operating lifetime of up to 10 years you also save when it comes to replacing illuminants.

The P1 is a plug ‘n grow-system which can be integrated into plant-culture processes easily due to it’s simple installation. P1 is even armed for challenging plant-cultures – a very accurate and precisely tunable (10 Bit) control enables you to program specific daily sequences and to adjust brightness as needed for the plant-culture. Integrated light sensor technology allows you to do an automatic live measurement of your lamps‘ light intensity in accordance with your plant-culture goals. This prevents burnings on high radiation days in the winter and opens up another potential for savings.

Increase the efficiency of your employees who no longer have to work in the tiring orange/red spectrum of your current HPS lamps. Furthermore the P1 can be equipped with an UV-A-part which is of great advantage to your plant-culture’s habitus and substances and also leads the way for “animal helpers”: in a partnership with the Humboldt-University of Berlin we are currently researching the improvement of pollination performances carried out by bumblebee colonies.

We are highly convinced by trial runs of the P1 that we came up with a financing model which allows us to sell the P1 for only one Euro apiece so that you are able to earn money with your lighting system from the second day using it. We would be pleased to present to you the possibilities of the P1 and make you an individual offer.

Source ‘LED sunlight for professional horticulture‘  in Presse Box

El espectro LED AP67, potenciador de la fotosíntesis, para el cultivo hortícola bajo cámara

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