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AIPH Publishes Report on the Future of the Ornamentals Market in China

AIPH Publishes Report on the Future of the Ornamentals Market in China

Understanding the Chinese Market, the demand for ornamentals’ is the third report published by the International Association of Horticultural Producers, AIPH, International Vision Project, IVP. The report presents important insights and indicators on the future demand for ornamentals market in China until 2030.

The latest report from AIPH focuses specifically on the Chinese market for ornamentals. Studying consumer trends in China and changes in demand; the role of city growth on future demand and the potential market opportunities for ornamentals in China, the report provides a valuable reference for the wider horticulture industry.

Addressing questions concerning changing consumer behaviour, future consumer demand and how purchases and purchasing decisions will be made, the AIPH IVP project investigates pertinent industry topics. Through specific in-depth country studies, the report highlights key challenges and opportunities which bare a wider relevance to the future of ornamentals production and trade around the world.

The Chinese market warrants attention due to the forecast growth of China’s working population and, more significantly, this group’s anticipated per capita spending growth. By 2030, the working population in China will account for 12% of worldwide urban consumption and as such has the potential to shape future global consumption. In 2015, the group’s consumption value stood at €2 trillion but is set to increase substantially to €8.3 trillion by 2030. By identifying key drivers for change, AIPH’s IVP initiative can help to enable the ornamentals industry to prepare and adapt to tomorrow’s markets.

The International Vision Project has been led by Joep Hendricks, a speaker at the World Ornamental Horticulture Summit 2019 in Beijing, and newly appointed CEO of the World Horti Centre, the Netherlands. The third IVP report was launched at the Summit on Friday 13th September 2019, held in Beijing. Secretary General of AIPH, Mr Tim Briercliffe said: “The market in China has some of the greatest opportunities of any in the world but there are also many challenges.  This latest report takes a frank look at opportunities and challenges and is essential reading for anyone in this industry with an interest in the Chinese market.”

AIPH published the first two IVP reports earlier this year: ‘Ornamental Horticulture, A Growing Industry?’ (January 2019) and ‘Production and Markets, the Future of Ornamentals’ (July 2019). All the reports can be download for free from the AIPH website:

IVP is funded by Productschap Tuinbouw, Royal FloraHolland and the Taichung City Government.

International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH)

Since 1948, AIPH has united horticultural producers in an international community that thrives to this day. Much has changed in that time. Technologies advanced, cities rose from the ground, and we have become more connected than ever. As a result, our essential bond with nature has been weakened. AIPH strives to reignite and uphold an appreciation of plants that we believe is a basic human instinct. We support the work of grower associations globally and together we champion a prosperous industry, growing plants that enhance lives, advance societies and sustain our planet, for this generation and the next.




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